Tuesday 19 June 2012

Tuesday Flirting.

Today I woke with a distinct "Tuesday Feeling"-somewhat marooned and neither far enough away from last weekend or near enough to the next one to be particularly happy.
All that changed, when I had a bit of a wild day dream and decided to send some cheeky texts to a certain "Missy". Thankfully, she reciprocated and an afternoon flew by, with a bit of sexual tension and that most wonderful of sensations building-Anticipation!
Who knows what will happen, maybe we will meet and have some fun, maybe we will just be a text thing, all I do know for sure, is that she certainly knows how to keep my mind off work, for an entire afternoon.

Thank you, Missy.

Next mission is to get her in my studio, for some saucy photo's.......


  1. And before she knows it she'll be a vision in black and white, gobsmacked and asking "Is that really me??"

  2. And then my job will be done!!

  3. I know that wistful Tuesday feeling all too well. Good thing some people know how to make the day move along.

    1. Indeed! It is so good to have a network of cheeky friends who can assist in making life just that little bit sweeter.
